Volume 5, Number
2, November 2009
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Table of contents
Table of contents
Agricultural Development
Ahmadi, H. and Mollazade, K. – Determination and investigation of information technology parameters effective to precision agricultural development. ...............213-224|Content|
Bagheri, N. and Moazzen, S.A. – Optimum strategy for agricultural mechanization development in Iran................225-237|Content|
Agricultural Engineering
Igbozulike, A.O. and Aremu, A.K. – Moisture dependent physical properties of Garcinia kola seeds...............239-248|Content|
Zarea, M.J., Ghalavand, A., Goltapeh, M.E. and Rejali, F. – Interaction of mycorrhiza, earthworm, and rhizobium on growth of annual medic under light stress...............249-259|Content|
Biological Control
Jom-in, S. and Akarapisan, A. – Characterization of double-stranded RNA in Trichoderma spp. isolates in Chiang Maiprovince...............261-270|Content|
Kambaska, K.B. and Santilata, S. – Effect of plant growth regulator on micropropagtion of ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) cv- Suprava and Suruchi...............271-280|Content|
Mechanical Engineering
Ajao, K.R. and Adegun, I.K. – Performance evaluation of a locally fabricated mini cassava flash dryer...............281-289|Content|
Panna, D. and Highland, K. – Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi from northeast India.............291-298|Content|
Reyes, R.G., Lopez, L.L.M.A., Kumakura, K., Kalaw, S.P., Kikukawa, T. and Eguchi, F. – Coprinus comatus, a newly domesticated wild nutriceutical mushroom in the Philippines..............299-316|Content|
Sibounnavong, P., Kalaw, S.P., Divina, C.C. and Soytong, K. – Mycelial growth and sporulation of Emericella nidulans, a new fungal antagonist on two culture media.............317-324|Content|
Sreenivasa, M.Y., Maheshwar, P.K., Sanjay, K.R., Diwakar, B.T., Naidu, K.A. and Janardhana, G.R. – Effect of gamma irradiation on the incidence and fumonisins production by Fusarium species occurring on maize and sorghum grains.............325-335|Content|
Zarea, M.J., Ghalavand, A., Goltapeh, M.E. and Rejali, F. – Role of clover species and AM Fungi (Glomuse mosseae) on forage yield, nutrients uptake, nitrogenase activity and soil microbial biomass.............337-347|Content|
Plant Pest Management
Mariyono, J. – The dynamic biological relationship between insect pests and insecticide use: economic point of view and empirical evidence.............349-359|Content|
Bakrudeen Ali Ahmed, A. and Arun Kumar, R. – In vitro propagation of Monocot (Costus pictus D. Don)– An antidiabetic medicinal plant.............361-369|Content|
Nizam, K. and Te-chato, S. – Optimizing of root induction in oil palm plantlets for acclimatization by some potent plant growth regulators (PGRs).............371-383|Content|
Pornsuriya, Pramote and Pornsuriya, Pornthip – Study on genetic effects in fruit shape of oriental pickling melon.............385-390|Content|
Weed Science
Ashrafi, Z.Y., Rahnavard, A. and Sedigheh, S. – Analogy potential effects of planting methods and tank mixed herbicides on wheat yield and weed populations.............391-403|Content|
Chachar, Q.I., Chachar, M.A. and Chachar, S.D. – Studies on integrated weed management in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).............405-412|Content|
Sadeghi, S., Rahnavard, A. and Ashrafi, Z.Y. – The effect of plant-density and sowing-date on yield of Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) in Iran.............413-422|Content|