Volume21, Number2, March 2025
Table of contents

Ali, N. F. and Abd-Elsalam, I. S. - Biodegradation of dyes in textile wastewater using local fungal isolates. 397-408
Anutrakunchai, S. and Thongkamngam, T. - Efficacy of indigenous Beauveria bassiana and Purpureocillium lilacinum for controlling Planococcus minor (Maskell) in durian fruits. 409-420
Anutrakunchai, S., Thongkamngam, T., Puramongkon, P. and Charoensuk, K. - Stingless bees collecting pollen in durian orchards, Khao Khitchakut District, Chanthaburi Province. 421-432
Aswal, M., Chugh, P., Sharma R. and Bhattacharya, S. - Enhancing lentil growth and yield through organic foliar application for sustainable agriculture. 433-442
Banluehan, J. and Tunchai, M. - Biocontrol potential of Bacillus spp. against bacterial blight and bacterial leaf streak pathogens in rice. 443-458
Cahyadinata, I., Nusril. and Nopiana, M. - Socio-economic study of mud crab (Scylla serrata) households in Bengkulu Province, Indonesia. 459-478
Choojit, T., Ratanaprapaporn, T., Dokkaew, S., Nhan, H. T., Kitikiew, S. and Kantha, P. - Comparative analysis between Artemia parthenogenetica and Artemia franciscana Size from China, Vietnam and United States of America Sources. 479-490
Cookey, C. O., Keyagha, E. R., Umeh, O. A. Okoli, N. A., Ogwudire, V. E., Alagba, R. A., Echereobia, C. O. and Nwokeji, E. M. - Efficacy of poultry manure and biochar of cassava peels on root-gall nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) in an endemic Ultisol. 491-506
Firdaus, Y. K., Prasetyo, J., Hendrawan, Y. and Al Riza, D. F. - Maturity parameters characterization and classification of Lemon (Citrus limon (cv. California)) based on reflectance-fluorescence imaging and machine learning model. 507-522
Hirankerd, W., Tachai, S., Darapong, P. and Sumana, B. - Potential of snake fruit (Salacca zalacca) cultivars on product quality for fermented vinegar beverage. 523-530
Kaewhom, P., Poolsamran, P., Ard-rugsa, T., Phromnoi, S., Thammakarn, C. and Srikijkasemwat, K. - The prevalence of capripoxvirus causing lumpy skin disease in beef cattle with no clinical signs on a well-managed cooperative farm. 531-544
Khanitta, R., Waritchon, N., Kunlaporn, P., Suporn, S. and Juthathip, N. - Forming packaging from durian husk fiber using modified starch and cassava starch. 545-554
Sittichok, S., Passara, H., Sinthusiri, J., Soonwera, M., Thongsaiklaing, T., Morris, J., Moungthipmalai, T., Puwanard, C. and Jintanasirinurak, S. - Plant essential oils, trans-anethole and eugenol, for housefly knockdown and mortality. 555-562
Pathaveerat, S., Noypitak, S. and Pruengam, P. - A simple and cost-effective method to measure moisture content for multigrain. 563-578
Phadungsawat, B. and Yeemin, J. - Effects of LDD1 compost and chemical fertilizer on the growth, yield and antioxidant activity of Chrysanthemum indicum L. 579-592
Phungkeha, P., Tiyaprasertkul, P., Chaosap, C., Sivapirunthep, P., Ruangpanit, Y., Rassmidatta, K., Philatha, A. and Srikitkasemwat, K. - Fructooligosaccharides supplementation: effect on broiler chicken performance, intestinal morphology, microbial community, and stress indicators. 593-602
Pillada, E. M. G., Gallego, A. M., Panaligan, A. C. G. and Consabo, L. G. - Occurrence, isolation, and identification to genus level of entomopathogenic nematodes (epns) in Central Panay Island, Philippines. 603-616
Prathumyot, W., Sittijinda, P., Rueangkoed, P., Rassami, W., Sawatmongkhon, D., Chit-aree, L., Na Chiangmai, P. and ChuePhet, B. - Effect of seed soaking with nitrophenolate–based biostimulant on germination and growth of chilli var. Kanchanaburi 1. 617-624
Ray, A., Das, N. and Saha, A. - Mycorrhizal mass multiplication in trap culture method in Cynodon sp. and evaluation of growth parameters. 625-638
Repaso, A. and Salingay, R. - Understanding pojada and the challenges of harvesting abaca in Zamboanga Peninsula, Philippines. 639-654
Ruang-Rit, K., Poommarin, P. and Seritrakul, P. - Species of commercially-farmed crickets in Thailand. 655-672
Siswanto, U., Subositi, D., Isnawati, A. and Widiyastuti, Y. - Yield and artemisinin content of six polyploid accessions of Artemisia annua grown at medium altitute in Indonesia. 673-684
Somsri, A., Saelao, P., Thongsen, N., Kenkhunthot, T., Pilasombut, K., Urairong, H. and Rumjuankiat, K. - In vitro biocontrol potential of natural substance combination against plant pathogens. 685-696
Somsri, A., Yodsenee, K., Suthirawat, S., Pilasombut, K. and Rumjuankiat, K. - Application of tempeh and split gill mushroom extracts in herbal fresh sausage: Evolution of antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. 697-712
Sulistyowati, E., Wiryawan, I. K. G., Badarina, I., Naibaho, S. H., Apreza, Pratama, W. A., Cahyadi, C., Sistanto and Waspodo, R. J. - Feeding diet containing concentrate with fermented Arenga pinnata by-product on nutrient intakes, digestibility, and milk quality of lactating dairy cows. 713-724
Tilarux, P., Suwanposri, A., Anartngam, P. and Supong, K. - Characterization and biological screening of the culturable endophytic actinomycetes from Garcinia cowa Roxb. 725-740
Tiyaprasertkul, P., Phungkeha, P., Srikitkasemwat, K., Philatha, A., Rassmidatta, K., Ruangpanit, Y., Siwapirunthep, P., Yan, F., Romero-Sanchez and Chaosap, C. - Thymol-carvacrol supplementation in broilers: impact on performance, blood biomarkers, and gut health. 741-752
Utama, S. P., Sumantri, B. and Rahmawan, A. - Factors affecting farmers' decision to use subsidized seeds on hybrid corn farming in Seluma Regency, Bengkulu Province Indonesia. 753-766
Wiangsamut, B., Tilarux, P. and Wattana, K. - Effects of sterilizing agents, phenolic compound inhibitors, and plant hormones in vitro on lateral bud explant culture of three durian varieties. 767-788
Yeemin, J., Dadkhunthod, P., Chothongtanasate, A. and Phadungsawat, B. - Effect of gamma irradiation on median lethal dose for mutation induction in Zinnia elegans and Cosmos bipinnatus. 789-802
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