Publication Ethics

International Journal of Agricultural Technology (IJAT) is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to maintaining the highest standard quality of publication ethics. All publishing process upholds transparency including editors, authors, reviewers, and the publisher. They are committed to ethical behavior standards by following principal standards of publication ethics.

The authors must ensure that the submitted manuscript is entirely original and has not been previously published and not currently under consideration by other journals.

Plagiarism of manuscript must less than 30 % similarity. Plagiarism, as defined, is presenting work or ideas from another source as your own, with or without consent of the original author, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement. All published and unpublished material, whether in manuscript, printed or electronic form, is covered under this definition, as is the use of material generated wholly or in part through use of artificial intelligence (save when use of AI for assessment has received prior authorization). Plagiarism can also include re-using your own work, but re-using your own work (self-citation) with citation should not exceed 20% of the current paper.

Conflicts of Interest
Authors, reviewers and editors should disclose any potential conflicts of interest which could influence the published research article including financial, personal and institutional affiliations to maintain the integrity of review and decision-making processes.

Data Intergrity
Authors must present an accurate and complete data.

Research Misconduct
IJAT upholds the highest standard quality of research integrity and ethical publishing practices. IJAT considers all allegations of research misconduct including citation, data, and plagiarism.

Ethical Concern Reporting
IJAT is committed to maintain the highest ethical standards for publication. The authors, reviewers and readers are encouraged to report any ethics and misconduct through our web page.

Ethics Principal and Malpractice

Ethical principles for editors

1. Editors endorse the commonly held ethical standards shared by scholarly publishers.

2. Editors must render unbiased decision and ensure appropriate peer review process.

3. Editors must be accountable as they assume high responsibility for the zpublished papers.

Ethical principles for authors

Authors submitting manuscripts to IJAT must agree to the following ethical principles:

1. The manuscript has not been submitted to or published in another journal.

2. The results accurately and completely represent the authors’ original research without any falsification of data or plagiarism as defined earlier.

3. Proper citation is made of publications from which methodologies and/or interpretive concepts were obtained.

4. Full acknowledgement of funding sources and disclosure of any conflicts of interest has been made.

5. Any failure to abide by these standards will result in rejection of the manuscript and may lead to a suspension of future publication in IJAT.

6. Authorship is based solely on significant scientific and intellectual contribution to the research.

7. All authors have approved the paper before submission.

8. All individuals deserving authorship have been included.

9. The first and corresponding author take responsibility for the entire manuscript.

Ethical principles for reviewers

Reviewers must follow the confidentiality regulations detailed in the instructions for reviewers. Reviewers must not:

1. Refer to cite the research before it has been published.

2. Furnish others with the manuscript’s information.

3. Utilize the manuscript’s information for the advancement of their own work.

4. Retain a physical or electronic copy of manuscript in whole or part following the review.

© Copyright © by Association of Agricultural Technology in Southeast Asia (AATSEA)
Available online:
ISSN 2630-0192 (Online)