Volume 8, Number
5, September 2012
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Table of contents
Review Articles
K. Sri Rama Murthy, Kondamudi, R., Chalapathi Rao, P.V. and Pullaiah, T. − In vitro flowering - A review. ................ 1517-1536 |Content|
Agricultural Engineering
A.N. Lorestani, F. Jaliliantabar and R. Gholami − Mass and volume modelling of Persian lime (Citrus aurantifulia) with geometrical attributes. ................ 1537-1543 |Content|
Mahmoud Soltani and Javad Taghinezhad − Computer Aided Design of moldboard plough surface. ..............1545-1553 |Content|
Mohamadi Monavar, H., Alimardani, R., Omid, M. and Wold, J.P. − Prediction of species and freshness of caspian caviar during storage by front-face fluorescence spectroscopy. ..............1555-1569 |Content|
Rashid Gholami, Ali Nejat Lorestani and Farzad Jalilian Tabar − Prediction of cucumber mass by geometrical attributes. ..............1571-1579 |Content|
Agricultural Extension
Jadalla, A.E. Omar, Abu Hassan Abu Bakar, Hasnah Md. Jais and Faisal Moftah Shalloof − The impact of organizational characteristics on agricultural extension in eastern Libya: toward reorganization for sustainable agricultural development. ............... 1581-1592 |Content|
Thaweedet Chainapong, Siripen Traichaiyaporn and Richard L. Deming − Effect of light quality on biomass and pigment production in photoautotrophic and mixotrophic cultures of Spirulina platensis. ...............1593-1604 |Content|
Patel Falguni, R. and M.C. Sharma − Optimization of production of alkaline phosphatase by a facultative alkaliphile Bacillus flexus FPB17 isolated from alkaline lake soils. ...............1605-1612 |Content|
Envrionmental Science
Binh, P.T., HoaiTram, Tr.T., HoangAnh, T.T., Thuong, N.V., Thoa, P.T., Thao, P.V. and ThamHa, T.T. − Using ultrazyme (Novozyme) for improving cocoa fermentation and cocoa bean quality in Vietnam. ...............1613-1623 |Content|
Ali Aberoumand − Production and characterization of some fishes oil from southern region of Iran. ...............1625-1632 |Content|
Singh, K., Bose, H., Richa, K., Karthik, L., Gaurav, K. and K.V. Bhaskara Rao − Isolation and characterization of protease producing marine eubacteria. ...............1633-1649 |Content|
Hemmatollah Pirdashti, Yasser Yaghoubian, Ebrahim Mohammadi Goltapeh and Seyyed Jaber Hosseini − Effect of mycorrhiza-like endophyte (Sebacina vermifera) on growth, yield and nutrition of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under salt stress. ...............1651-1661 |Content|
Plant Pathology
Nisakorn Suwan, Chaiwat To-anun, Kasem Soytong and Sarunya Nalumpang − Evaluation of Streptomyces-biofungicide to control chili anthracnose in pot experiment. ...............1663-1676 |Content|
Oadi N. Matny, Sukumar Chakraborty, Friday Obanar and Rakib A. AL-Ani − Molecular identification of Fusarium spp causing crown rot and head blight on winter wheat in Iraq. ...............1677-1690 |Content|
Tathan, S., Sibounnavong, P., Sibounnavong, P.S., Soytong, K. and To-anun, C. − Biological metabolites from Chaetomium spp to inhibit Drechslera oryzae causing leaf spot of rice. ...............1691-1701 |Content|
Thangaraj Kuberan, Angusamy Balamurugan, Paneer Selvam Nepolean, Raghunatha Sharma Vidhyapallavi, Thangaraj Beulah and Robert Premkumar − Effect of nutritional and abiotic factors on Glomerella cingulata causing brown blight disease in tea (Camellia sinensis). ...............1703-1726 |Content|
Plant Science
A.R. Lavanya, S. Muthukrishnan, V. Kumaresan, J.H. Franklin Benjamin and M.V. Rao − In vitro micropropagation of Hildegardia populifolia (Roxb.) Schott & Endl., an endangered tree species from Eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu, India. ...............1727-1744|Content|
Behzad Kianmehr, Mahdi Parsa, Mahmoud Otroshy, Mehdi Nassiri Mohallati and Kosar Moradi − Effect of plant growth regulators during in vitro phase of potato microtuber production. ...............1745-1759 |Content|
Duangnapa Nitikonvarakul, Sumay Arunyanart and Kanjana Saetiew − Effect of basic medium and plant growth regulators on in vitro multiplication of Phaius taerkuvillae (Banks ex L’Heritier de Brutelle) Blume. ...............1761-1768 |Content|
Farzaneh khojasteh, Ameneh Sobhani and Mohammad Ali Zare Chahouki − Floristic study and estimating species diversity indices in a rangeland of middle Iran. ...............1769-1777 |Content|
G. Sujatha and B.D. Ranjitha Kumari − Establishment of fast-growing in vitro root culture system in Artemisia vulgaris. ...............1779-1790 |Content|
Geetika Sheemar, Daljeet Singh, Ajaz Malik and Ajay Kumar − Correlation and Path analysis studies of economic traits in cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var botrytis L.). ...............1791-1799 |Content|
Hanifeh Seyed Hajizadeh, Alireza Farokhzad and Vida Ghasemi Chelan − Using of preservative solutions to improve postharvest life of Rosa Hybrid cv. Black magic. ...............1801-1810 |Content|
Jureerat Rukkhun, Sayan Sdoodee, Sopon Rongsawat and Antoine Leconte − Test of double cut alternative (DCA) tapping system under on-farm trials in southern Thailand. ...............1811-1820 |Content|
Nguyen Van Thiep − Regeneration plantlets from somatic embryos of tea plant (Camellia sinensis L.). ...............1821-1827 |Content|
O. Vanijajiva − Assessment of genetic diversity and relationships in pineapple cultivars from Thailand using ISSR marker. ...............1829-1838 |Content|
Suman Kumari andNarender Singh − In vitro plantlet regeneration from cotyledonary node explants of Salvadora persica L. a medicinally important desert tree. ...............1839-1854 |Content|
Weed Science
Nornasuha, Y., Nashriyah, M., Hasbullah, M., Kamarul ‘Ain M., Zanariah Mohd Noor, Nur Adilah A.M. and Muhamad Azhar, A.W. − Allelopathic effects of Dioscorea hispida Dennst. (Ubi Gadung) tuber from Terengganu, Peninsular Malaysia. ...............1855-1865 |Content|