Volume 7, Number
4, July 2011
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Table of contents
Review Articles
Dhawan, A.K., Sarwan Kumar and R. K. Saini -Role of information and communication technology (ICT) in Entomology. .............. 879-894 |Content|
Jadallah,A.E.Omar, Abu Hassan Abu Bakar and Hasnah Mohd, Jais - The impact of the decentralization and Pluralism policy on agricultural extension services. ...............895-901 |Content|
Vinod Kumar Dhatwalia, O. P. Sati, M. K.Tripathi and Ashok Kumar – Puroindoline: Antimicrobial wheat endosperm specific protein. ...............903-906 |Content|
Agricultural Development
Hussaini Yusuf Ibrahim -Energy inputs and crop yield relationship for sesame production in north central Nigeria. ............... 907-914 |Content|
Oratile Koloka and John Cassius Moreki -Tanning hides and skins using vegetable tanning agents in Hukuntsi subdistrict, Botswana. ..............915-922 |Content|
Agricultural Engineering
Alavi, N., Mazloumzadeh, S.M. and Nozari, V. - Analytical hierarchy process for evaluation of general purpose lifters in the date palm service industry. ............... 923-930 |Content|
Olaoye, J. O. - Development of a sugarcane juice extractor for small scale industries. ............... 931-944 |Content|
Bheemareddy, V.S. and Lakshman, H.C. - Effect of salt and acid stress on Triticum aestivum inoculated with Glomus fasciculatum. ............... 945-956 |Content|
Krishna Bolla, S.V.S.S.S.L. Hima Bindu N, Samatha Burra and M. A. Singara Charya - Effect of plant oils, surfactants and organic acids on the production of mycelial biomass and exopolysaccharides of Trametes spp. ...............957-965 |Content|
Mehrabi, M., Mohammadi Goltapeh, E. and Fotouhifar, K.B. - Studies on Cytospora canker disease of apple trees in Semirom region of Iran. ...............967-982 |Content|
Solanki, A. S., Kumar, V. and Sharma, S. - AM fungi and Azotobacter chroococcum affecting yield, nutrient uptake and cost efficacy of Chlorophytum borivillianum in Indian arid region. ...............983-991 |Content|
Pandey, S.K., Singh, P. and Banik, R.M. - Statistical approach for kinetic study to optimize the reaction conditions for alkaline phosphatase produced by Bacillus licheniformis MTCC 1483. ...............993-1003 |Content|
Thangavel Selvaraj and P. Nirmala - Response of Alpinia galanga Willd. to inoculation with different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in Ambo, Ethiopia. ...............1005-1015 |Content|
Rokni, N., and E. Mohammadi Goltapeh - Diversity of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi associated with common sugarcane varieties in Iran. ...............1017-1022 |Content|
Plant Biotechnology
Jhankare, A., Tiwari, G., Tripathi, M.K., Baghel, B. S. and Tiwari, S. - Plant regeneration from mature cotyledon, embryo and hypocotyl explants of Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal. ...............1023-1035 |Content|
Malik, A.A, Chattoo, M.A., Sheemar, G., and Rashid, R. - Growth, Yield and Fruit Quality of Sweet Pepper Hybrid SH-SP-5 (Capsicum annuum L.) as affected by integration of inorganic fertilizers and organic manures (FYM). ...............1037-1048 |Content|
Md. Mokter Hossain and Hiroshi Nonami. - Fruit Growth of Tomato Associated with Water Uptake and Cell Expansion. ...............1049-1062 |Content|
Padmapriya, H., Karthikeyan, A.V.P, Jahir Hussain, G, Karthi, C. and Velayutham, P. - An efficient protocol for in vitro propagation of Solanum nigrum L. from nodal explants. ...............1063-1073 |Content|
Poonpaiboonpipat, T., Teerarak, M., Phuwiwat, W., Charoenying, P., Laosinwattana, C. - Allelopathic effects of Arabian jasmine (Jasminum sambac Ait.) and preliminary test for estimation of its natural herbicide activity. ...............1075-1087 |Content|
Raja, A. and N. Jayabalan. - In vitro shoot regeneration and flowering of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) cv. SVPR - 1. ...............1089-1096 |Content|
Resmi, J. and I. Sreelathakumary. - RAPD markers for genetic variability studies in ashgourd Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn. ...............1097-1106 |Content|
Vanijajiva, O. - Genetic variability among Durian (Durio zibethinus Murr.) cultivars in the Nonthaburi province, Thailand detected by RAPD analysis. ...............1107-1116|Content|
Singh, Pramod K., Rai, N., Lal, Hira, Bhardwaj, D.R., Singh, Anand Prakash and Singh, Rashmi - Correlation, path and cluster analysis in hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus L). ...............1117-1124 |Content|
Plant Pathology
Jintana Unartngam, Pattama Janruang and Chaiwat To-anan - Genetic diversity of Puccinia polysora in Thailand based on inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers analysis. ...............1125-1137 |Content|
Kuri S. K., R.M. Islam and U. Mondal. - Antifungal potentiality of some botanical extracts against important seedborne fungal pathogen associated with brinjal seeds, Solanum melongena L. ...............1139-1153 |Content|
Majeed, A., Ahmad, H., Chaudhry, Z., Jan, G., Alam, J. and Muhammad, Z. - Assessment of leaf extracts of three medicinal plants against late blight of potato in Kaghan valley, Pakistan. ...............1155-1161 |Content|
Sudha, A. and Lakshmanan, P. - Efficacy of coir waste compost and urea at different levels on the incidence of sheath blight of rice. ...............1163-1168 |Content|
Plant Protection
Badr El-Sabah A. Fetoh. - Latent effects of gamma radiation on certain biological aspects of the red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier as a new control technology. ...............1169-1175 |Content|
Prashant Shrivastava, Govind Singh Rajput and Siddarth Nayak. - Soil moisture distribution as influenced by drip irrigation supply and planting pattern in heavy soils of madhya Pradesh. ...............1177-1186 |Content|