Volume 7, Number 3, May 2011
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Table of contents
Agricultural Engineering
Asakereh, A., Safaienejad, M. and Sami, M. – Energy and economic analysis of dry farming chickpea in Iran a case study: Lorestan province. .............. 547-555 |Content|
Mousavi Avval, S.H., Rafiee, S., Jafari, A. and Mohammadi, A. – Investigating the energy consumption in different operations of oilseed productions in Iran.............557-565|Content|
Ajao, K.R., Ogunniyi, O.J. and Ahmed, K.L. – Development of equipment for making homemade laundry soap. ............567-574|Content|
Agricultural Extension
Najafabadi, M.O., Hosseini, S.J.F., Bahramnejad, S. – Perception of specialists about precision agricultural requirements; Bayesian confirmatory factor analysis. ............... 225-234 |Content|
Anu Lavanya, G. and Ganapathy, M. – Effect of DAP, NAA and residual effect of inorganic fertilizers and organic manures on growth and yield of greengram in rice based cropping sequence. ..............599-604 |Content|
Haruna, I.M., Ibrahim, H.Y. and Rahman, S.A. – The yield and profitability of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) at varying poultry manure and nitrogen fertilizer rates in the southern guinea savanna of Nigeria. ..............605-609 |Content|
Heshmat, O., Saeed, H.A. and Fardin, K. – The improve of seed germination traits in canola (brassica napus L.) as affected by saline and drought stress. ..............611-622 |Content|
Biological Control
Sreedevi, B., Charitha Devi, M. and Saigopal, D.V.R. – Isolation and screening of effective Trichoderma spp. against the root rot pathogen Macrophomina phaseolina. ............... 623-635 |Content|
Amudha, P. and Shanthi, P. – Indirect organogenesis and in vitro layering of Acmella calva (DC.) R.K.Jansen. from various explants. ............... 637-648 |Content|
Asadi, A., Khavari-Nejad, R., Soltani, N., Najafi, F., Molaie-Rad, A. – Physiological and antimicrobial characterizations of some cyanobacteria isolated from the rice fields in Iran. ............... 649-663 |Content|
Asadi, A., Khavari-Nejad, R.A., Soltan, N., Najafi, F., and Molaie-Rad, A. – Physiological variability in cyanobacterium Phormidium sp. Kützing ISC31 (Oscillatoriales) as response to varied microwave intensities. ............... 665-677 |Content|
Felix, F., Nugroho, T., Silalahi, S. and Octavia, Y. – Molecular characteristics of Vibrio sp causing Black Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) disease in Sumatra and Java shrimp ponds by 16S rDNA sequencing. ............... 679-694 |Content|
Gajbhiye ,S.S., Tripathi, M.K., Vidya Shankar, M., Singh, M., Baghel, B.S. and Tiwari, S. – Direct shoot organogenesis from cultured stem disc explants of tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa Linn.). ............... 695-709 |Content|
Environmental Science
Islam, M.S., Rahman, M.M., Rahman, M.A., Qayum, M.A. and Alam, M.F. – In vitro evaluation of Croton bonplandianum Baill. as potential antitumor properties using Agrobacterium tumefaciens. ...............711-719 |Content|
Kurmi, U.S., Sharma, D.K., Tripathi, M.K., Tiwari, R., Baghel, B.S. and Tiwari, S. – Plant regeneration of Vitis vinifera (L) via direct and indirect organogenesis from cultured nodal segments. ...............721-737 |Content|
Prasertsirivatna, S. and Koolpluksee, M. – The study on optimization of growth conditions for Dendrobium friedericksianum Rchb.f. seedlings in aseptic culture. ...............739-749 |Content|
Pundir, R.K. and Jain, P. – Qualitative and quantitative analysis of microflora of Indian bakery products. ...............751-762 |Content|
Sunder, A.N. and Jawahar, M. – In vitro shoot multiplication of Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less. an important medicinal herb. ...............763-768 |Content|
Noroozy, S. and Safarzadeh, A. – Production and adaptability of Ostrich Breeds in hot and humid climate of South part of Khuzestan Province in Iran. ...............769-774 |Content|
Yadav, K., Singh, N and Aggarwal, A. – Influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi on survival and development of micropropagated Acorus calamus L. during acclimatization. ..............775-781 |Content|
Fisheries Science
Aberoumand, A. – Isolation of collagen from some fishes skins in Iran. ...............783-788 |Content|
Aberoumand, A. – Studies on preliminary comparative of nutritive aspacts of food plants. ...............789-795 |Content|
Food Science
Faasema, J., Abu, J.O. and Alakali, J.S. – Effect of packaging and storage condition on the quality of sweet orange (Citrus cinesis). ...............797-804 |Content|
Nirmala, P. and Selvaraj, T. – Anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial activities of Glycyrrhiza glabra L. ...............815-823 |Content|
Plant Science and Pathology
Abugre, S., Apetorgbor, A.K., Antwiwaa, A., and Apetorgbor, M.M. – Allelopathic effects of ten tree species on germination and growth of four traditional food crops in Ghana. ...............825-834 |Content|
Egbe, O.M., Egbo, C.U. and Odaba, B.O. – Residual benefits of pigeonpea to cassava intercropped with maize at Otobi, Benue State, Nigeria. ...............835-848 |Content|
Pornsuriya, Pramote, Pornsuriya, Pornthip and Numuen, C. – Phenotypic diversity and classification of Thai bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.) landraces from three provinces in central region of Thailand. ...............849-856 |Content|
Selvarani, K. and Umarani, R. – Evaluation of seed priming methods to improve seed vigour of onion (Allium cepa cv. aggregatum) and carrot (Daucus carota). ...............857-867 |Content|
Yaheia Omer Fatouh, Farid Abd – El-Kareem, Faten,
M. Abd-El-Latif and Riad S. El-Mohammedy.- Effects of citrus essential
oil compounds on management leaf spot disease on sugar beet plant under
field condition. ...............869- 877 |Content|