Volume 7, Number
1, January 2011
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Table of contents
Agricultural Development
Arifalo, S.F. and Mafimisebi, T.E. – Assessment of the effects of soil fertility management technologies on the yield of selected food crops in Oyo State, Nigeria. .............. 1-8 |Content|
Mari, J. M., Shahzadi, A. K. and Chachar, Q. I. – Perception of the problems in farming community at Hyderabad Pakistan. ...............9-17|Content|
Mariyono, J. – Double gains in productivity: Impacts of integrated pest management technology on productions of rice and soybean in Java. ...............19-28|Content|
Agricultural Engineering
Kannan, N., Prabahaharan, M. and Jayapiratha, V. – Mitigating solid waste accumulation through composting process in Jaffna Peninsula, Sri Lanka. ............... 29-38 |Content|
Olaoye, J.O., K.C. Oni and M.O. Olaoye. – Computer applications for selecting operating parameters in a stationary grain crop thresher. ..............39-56|Content|
Shamsi M., Alavi N., Mazloumzadeh S.M. and Rokabi M. – Performance evaluation of a bolt type pistachio hulling machine. ..............57-62|Content|
Mohammadi, N., Goltapeh, E.M., Babaie-Ahari, A. and Puralibaba, H. – Pathogenic and genetic characterization of Iranian isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Lentis by ISSR analysis. ............... 63-72 |Content|
Biological Control
Dolatabadi, K.H ., Goltapeh E. M., Varma A., and Rohani N. – In vitro evaluation of arbuscular mycorrhizal-like fungi and Trichoderma species against soil borne pathogen. ............... 73-84 |Content|
Cunha, M.D. and Sridhar, K.R. – Micropropagation of Canavalia cathartica of coastal sand dunes. ...............85-96|Content|
Gantait, S., Mandal, N. and Das, P.K. – Field evaluation of micropropagated vs. conventionally propagated elephant garlic. ...............97-103|Content|
Soytong, K.,Sibounavong, Phonesavard, Adthajadee, A., Vladimir, K. and Mitrohin. M. – Evaluation of CM product to promote plant growth. ...............105-113|Content|
Sutjaritvorakul, T., Whalley, A.J.S., Sihanonth, P. and Roengsumran, S. –. Antimicrobial activity from endophytic fungi isolated from plant leaves in Dipterocarpous forest at Viengsa district Nan province, Thailand. ...............115-121|Content|
Baskar, K., Maheshwaran, R., Kingsley, S. and Ignacimuthu, S. –. Bioefficacy of plant extracts against Asian army worm Spodoptera litura Fab. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). ...............123-131|Content|
Padhi, L.P., Panda, S.K., Satapathy, S.N. and Dutta, S.K. – In vitro evaluation of antibacterial potential of Annona squamosa L. and Annona reticulata L. from Similipal Biosphere Reserve, Orissa, India. ...............133-142|Content|
Mohammadi, A. and Mofrad, N.N. – Investigation on genetic diversity of Fusarium verticillioides isolated from corn using vegetative compatibility groups and relation of VCGs to the pathogenecity. ..............143-148|Content|
Sharma, R., Rajak, R.C. and Pandey, A.K. – Dynamics of acid phosphatase production of the ectomycorrhizal mushroom Cantharellus tropicalis. ..............149-159|Content|
Plant Biotechnology
Murthy, K.S.R. – Nutritional potential and biochemical compounds in Cajanus albicans (wight & arn) van der maesan for food and agriculture. ...............161-171|Content|
Plant Pathology
Akbari P., Ghalavand, A., Modarres Sanavy, A.M. and M. Agha Alikhani (2011). – The effect of biofertilizers, nitrogen fertilizer and farmyard manure on grain yield and seed quality of sunflower (Helianthus annus L.). ...............173-184|Content|
Ghahfarokhy, M.R., Goltapeh, E.M., Purjam, E., Pakdaman, B.S., Modarres Sanavy, S.A.M. and Varma, A. – Potential of mycorrhiza-like fungi and Trichoderma species in biocontrol of Take-all Disease of wheat under greenhouse condition. ...............185-195|Content|
Jain, R and Agrawal, K. – Incidence and seed transmission of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. cyamopsidis in cluster bean. ...............197-205|Content|