Volume 4, Number
1,June 2008
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Table of contents
Table of contents
Agricultural Development
Kiruba, S., Jeeva, S., Kanagappan, M., Stalin, I.S. and Das, S.S.M. – Ethnic storage strategies adopted by farmers of Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu, Southern Peninsular India.......1-10|Content|
Mariyono, J.
– National Dissemination of Integrated Pest Management Technology
through Farmers’ Field Schools in Indonesia: Was It
Mohhamed, E.D. and Lanre, O.A.
– Assessment of participation in conception and adoption response
to UNDP aquaculture projects in Lagos State Nigeria............27-36|Content|
Agricultural Engineering
Alimardani, R., Fazel, Z., Akram, A., Mahmoudi, A. and Varnamkhasti, M.G. – Design and Development of a three-point hitch dynamometer
Kheiralipour, K., Karimi, M., Tabatabaeefar, A., Naderi, M., Khoubakht, G. and Heidarbeigi, K. – Moisture-Depend Physical Properties of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)...........53-64|Content|
Naderiboldaji, M., Jannatizadeh, A., Tabatabaeefar, A. and Fatahi, R.
– Development of 11 Mass Models for Iranian Apricot fruits based
on some physical attributes (cv. Shahroud-8 and Gheysi-2)...........65-76|Content|
Shahan, S., Jafari, A., Mobli, H., Rafiee, S. and Karimi, M. – Energy use and economical analysis of wheat production in Iran: A case study from Ardabil province...........77-88|Content|
Biological control
Sibounnavong, P., Cynthia, C.D., Kanokmedhakul, S. and Soytong, K. – The new antagonistic fungus, Emericella nidulans strain EN against Fusarium Wilt of Tomato..............89-99|Content|
Jiang, M., Wongsawas, M., Wang, H.K., Lin, F.C. and Liang, Y.C. – Three new records of lignicolous freshwater hyphomycetes from Mainland, China...............101-108|Content|
Seehanan, S and Petcharat, V. – Some species of wild Boletes in Thailand..............109-118|Content|
Plant Pathology
Mohana, D. C. and Raveesha, K. A. – Anti-fungal evaluation of some plant extracts against some plant pathogenic field and storage fungi.......................119-137|Content|
Pornsuriya, C., Wang, H.K., Lin, F.C. and Soytong, K. – First report of pineapple root rot caused by Pythium graminicola...............139-150|Content|
Satish, S., Raghavendra, M.P., Mohana, D.C. and Raveesha, K.A. – Antifungal activity of a known medicinal plant Mimusops elengi L. against grain moulds............151-165|Content|
Plant Science
Biswas, M.K., Islam, R. and Hossain, M. – Micro propagation and field evaluation of strawberry in Bangladesh.............167-182|Content|
Gavino, B.R., Pi, Y. and Abon Jr., C.C. – Application of gibberellic acid (GA3) in dosage for three hybrid rice seed production in the Philippines............183-192|Content|
Kabir, A.H., Sarker, K.K., Sharmin, S.A., Islam, M.S. and Alam, M.F. – Callus induction and plantlet regeneration in Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench...........193-204|Content|
Wiangsamut, B. and Mendoza, T.C.
– Leaf elongation rate, agronomic traits and grain yield of three
transplanted rice genotypes.................................205-217|Content|
Weed Science
Ashrafi, Z.Y., Sadeghi, S., Mashhadi, H.R. and Hassan, M.A. – Allelopathic Effects of sunflower (Helianthus annuus) on Germination and Growth of Wild Barley (Hordeum spontaneum).............219-229|Content|