Volume 3, Number
2,November 2007
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Table of contents
Table of contents
Agricultural Engineering
Khongchana, P., Tirawanichakul, S, Tirawanichakul, Y. and
Woravutthikhunchai, S.
Effect of drying strategies on quality of STR 20 block rubbers
Rajabipour, A., Ayazi, M., Khoshnam, F., Mobli, H. and Ghasemi
Varnamkhasti, M.
Dynamic analysis of pitman and wobble shaft drive mechanisms;
consideration of the harvesting losses in the combine
Varnamkhasti, M.G., Mobli, H., Jafari, A., Keyhani, A. and
Soltanabadi, M.H.
Performance assessment of a modified blade-type whitener
(frictional milling machine) considering rice output flow
Animal Science
Chumpawadee, S., Chantiratikul, A. and Chantiratikul, P. - Chemical composition and nutritional evaluation of protein feeds for ruminants using an in vitro gas production technique...................................................191-202|Content|
Food Technology
Yadav, R.B., Khatkar, B.S. and Yadav, B.S. - Morphological, physicochemical and cooking properties of some Indian rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars.....................................................................................203-210|Content|
Molecular Biology
Ratanacherdchai, K., Wang, H.K., Lin, F.C. and Soytong, K. - RAPD analysis of Colletotrichum species causing chilli anthracnose disease in Thailand....................................................................................211-219|Content|
Nagarathna, T.K., Prasad, T.G., Bagyaraj, D.J. and Shadakshari, Y.G. - Effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza and phosphorus levels on growth and water use efficiency in Sunflower at different soil moisture status ...............221-229|Content|
Pagano,M.C.,Cabello,M.N. and Scotti,M.R.-Phosphorus response of three native Brazilian tree to inoculation with fuor buscular mycorrhizal fungi.........................................................................................231-240|Content|
Salar, R.K. and Aneja, K.R. - Significance of thermophilic fungi in mushroom compost preparation: effect on growth and yield of Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Sing.........................................................................................241-253|Content|
Plant Biotechnology
Bhagya, B., Sridhar, K.R., Seena, S. and Bhat, R.
- Nutritional qualities of
ripened beans of mangrove wild legume Canavalia cathartica
S., Saradamani, N. and Ramana, T.
- Enhanced shoot regeneration in tissue culture studies of
Sorghum bicolor..................................275-286|Content|
Radhakrishnan, R. and Ranjithakumari, B.D.
Callus induction and plant regeneration of Indian soybean (Glycine
max (L.) Merr. cv. CO3) via half seed explant culture..........................................................................287-297|Content|
Plant Pathology
Kotan, R., Dadasoglu, F., Kordali, S., Cakır, A., Dikbas, N. and Cakmakcı, R. - Antibacterial activity of essential oils extracted from some medicinal plants, carvacrol and thymol on Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. vesicatoria (Doidge) Dye causes bacterial spot disease on pepper and tomato ....................................................................................299-306|Content|
S., Satish, S., Mohana, D.C., Raghavendra, M.P. and Raveesha, K.A.
- Anti-bacterial evaluation and phytochemical analysis of some
Iranian medicinal plants against plant pathogenic Xanthomonas
pathovars ...............................................................................................307-316|Content|
Plant Science
Keramat Jahromi, M., Jafari, A., Rafiee, S., and Mohtasebi, S.S.
A survey on some physical properties of the Date Palm tree ..............................................................................................317-322|Content|
Kumbhar, A.M., Buriro, U.A., Oad, F.C. and Chachar, Q.I.
- Yield parameters and N- uptake of wheat under different
fertility levels in legume rotation
Saravanamoorthy, M.D. and Ranjitha Kumari, B.D.
- Effect of textile waste water on morphophysiology and yield on
two varieties of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) ........................................................................335-343|Content|
Te-chato, S. and Hilae, A.
- High-frequency plant regeneration through secondary somatic
embryogenesis in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq. var.