Volume 1, Number 1,June 2005
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Table of contents Abstract
Table of contents
Review article
Shternshis, M. – Biopreparations for plant protection in Siberia : application and enhancement of activity. : 1-18 |Abstract|Content|
Biological Control
Soytong, K. and Ratanacherdchai, K. – Application of mycofungicide to control late blight of potato. ................................. 19-32 |Abstract|Content|
Soytong, K., Srinon, W., Ratanacherdchai, K., Kanokmedhakul, S. and Kanokmedhakul, K. – Application of antagonistic fungi to control anthracnose disease of Grape. : 33-42 |Abstract|Content|
Rao , N.S. , Sharma, K. and Sharma, R.K. – Anti-feedant and growth inhibitory effects of seed extracts of custard apple, Annona squamosa against Khapra beetle, Trogoderma granarium. : 43-54 |Abstract|Content|
Choi, Y.W., Hodgkiss, I.J. and Hyde, K.D. – Enzyme production by endophytes of Brucea javanica. : 55-66 |Abstract|Content|
Maria, G.L., Sridhar, K.R. and Raviraja , N.S. – Antimicrobial and enzyme activity of mangrove endophytic fungi of southwest coast of India. : 67-80 |Abstract|Content|
Pildain, M.B., Novas, M.V. and Carmaran, C.C. – Evaluation of anamorphic state, wood decay and production of lignin-modifying enzymes for diatrypaceous fungi from Argentina. : 81-96 |Abstract|Content|
Ghormade, V., Shastry, P., Chiplunkar, J. and Deshpande, M.V. – Determination of ploidy of a dimorphic zygomycete Benjaminiella poitrasii and the occurrence of meiotic division during zygospore germination. : 97-112 |Abstract|Content|
Food Science
Jiang, Y., Li, H.B., Chen, F. and Hyde, K.D. – Production potential of water-soluble Monascus red pigment by a newly isolated Penicillium sp. : 113-126 |Abstract|Content|
Plant pathology
Ba lali, G.R. and Iranpoor, M. – Application of pectic zymogram in the identification and genetic variation of Fusarium species. : 127 -143 |Abstract|Content|
Erukhimovitch, V., Tsror, L., Hazanovsky, M., Talyshinsky, M., Mukmanov, I. , Souprun, Y. and Huleihel, M. – Identification of fungal phyto-pathogens by Fourier-transform infrared(FTIR)microscopy. : 145-152 |Abstract|Content|
Mushroom production
Mata, G. and Estrada, A.E.R. – Viability in spawn stocks of the white button mushroom, Agaricus bisporus, after freezing in liquid nitrogen without a cryoprotectant. : 153 -162 |Abstract|Content|
Lugo, M.A., Anton, A.M. and Cabello, M.N. – Arbuscular mycorrhizas in the Larrea divaricata scrubland of the arid “ Chaco ”, Central Argentina. : 163-178 |Abstract|Content|
Tissue culture
Baskaran, P., Rajeswari, B.R. and Jayabalan, N. - A simple approach to improve plant regeneration from callus culture of Sorghum bicolor for crop improvement. : 179-192