Volume 8, Number
4, July 2012
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Table of contents
Review Articles
Charles Karavina and Ronald Mandumbu − Phytoparasitic nematode management post-methyl bromide: Where to for Zimbabwe?................ 1141-1160 |Content|
T. Montsho and J.C. Moreki − Challenges in commercial pig production in Botswana................ 1161-1170 |Content|
Agricultural Extention
Jadalla A.E. Omar, Abu Hassan Abu Bakar, Hasnah Md. Jais and Faisal Moftah Shalloof − The impact of major constraints on agricultural extension in eastern Libya. ................ 1171-1183 |Content|
Na Songkhla, T. and Somboonsuke, B. − Impact of agro-tourism on local agricultural occupation: A case study of Chang Klang district, southern Thailand. ..............1185-1198 |Content|
Agricultural Machinery
Ali Nejat Lorestani − Some physical and mechanical properties of caper. ............... 1199-1206 |Content|
I.K. Adegun, S.A. Adepoju and J.A. Aweda − A mini rice processing machine for Nigerian farmers. ............... 1207-1216 |Content|
Mohsen Azadbakht, Mohammad Hadi Khoshtaghaza, Barat Gobadian and Saeid Minaei − Mechanical properties of soybean pod as a function of moisture content and energy. ............... 1217-1228 |Content|
MortezaTaki, YahyaAjabshirchi and AsgharMahmoudi − Prediction of output energy for wheat production using artificial neural networks in Esfahan province of Iran. ............... 1229-1242 |Content|
N. Alavi and V. Nozari − Date grading using rule-based fuzzy inference system. ............... 1243-1254 |Content|
Animal Science
A.A. Saki, M. Aslani Farisar, H. Aliarabi, P. Zamani and M. Abbasinezhad − Iodine-enriched egg production in response to dietary iodine in laying hens. ...............1255-1267 |Content|
A.B.I. Udedibie, O.J. Chukwurah, Glory, E. Enyenihi, Helen O. Obikaonu and I.C. Okoli − The use of sun-dried cassava tuber meal, brewers’ dried grains and palm oil to simulate maize in the diet of laying hens. ...............1269-1276 |Content|
Okah, U., Okeke, C.N. and Anya, M.I. − Intake and digestibility of dietary maize processing waste by West African dwarf (wad) sheep. ...............1277-1284 |Content|
Raed Alkowni and Khaled Sawalha − Biotechnology for conservation of palestinian medicinal plants. ...............1285-1299 |Content|
D.K. Pandey and R.M. Banik − Optimization of extraction conditions for colchicine from Gloriosa superba tubers using response surface methodology. ...............1301-1315|Content|
S.K. Pandey and R.M. Banik − Selection and optimization of nutritional constituents for enhanced production of alkaline phosphatase by Bacillus licheniformis MTCC 1483. ...............1317-1333 |Content|
Food Science
M.S. Yarmand, A. Fadavi, M. Labbafi Mazrae Shahi, F. Sharifi and K. Kheiralipour − Biophysical, biomechanical and bioproximate properties of Iranian oak fruit. ...............1335-1342 |Content|
Ajay Krishna Saha, Sandeep Acharya and Aparajita Roy − Antioxidant level ofwild edible mushroom: Pleurotus djamor (Fr.) Boedijn. ...............1343-1351 |Content|
Pranay Jain, Vibhor Aggarwal, Archit Sharma and Ram Kumar Pundir − Screening of endophytic fungus Acremonium sp. for amylase production. ...............1353-1364 |Content|
Pest Management
Idoko, J.E. and Adesina, J.M. − Evaluation of the powder of Piper guineense and pirimiphos- Methly F for the control of cowpea beetle Callosobruchus maculatus (F.). ...............1365-1374 |Content|
Riad S.R. El-Mohamedy, M.M. Abdel-Kader, F. Abd-El-Kareem, M.A. Abd-Allah, N.G. El-Gamal and Y.O. Fatouh − Field application of bio compost to control Fusarium dry rot disease of potato in newly Reclaimed lands. ...............1375-1387 |Content|
Sunpapao, A. Mochizuki, T. and Ohki T.S. − The effect of the decreased expression of dicer-like proteins 2 and 4 on cyclic viral titer, and short interference RNA in Cucumber mosaic virus infected tobacco plants. ...............1389-1395 |Content|
Plant Science
Banerjee, A., Datta, J.K. and Mondal, N.K. − Biochemical changes in leaves of mustard under the influence of different fertilizers and cycocel. ...............1397-1411|Content|
M.B. Lak − Thresholding of tart-cherry image frame under uncontrolled daylight conditions. ...............1413-1421 |Content|
Mohammed. M. Hassan, Hussien M. Daffalla, Samia O. Yagoub, Magdoleen G. Osman, Migdam E. Abdel Gani and Abdel El Gabar E. Babiker − Allelopathic effects of some botanical extracts on germination and seedling growth of Sorghum bicolor L. ...............1423-1469 |Content|
Nattaporn Kerdsuwan and Sompong Te-chato − Effects of Colchicine on Survival Rate, Morphological, Physiological and Cytological Characters of Chang Daeng Orchid (Rhynchostylis gigantean var. rubrum Sagarik) In Vitro. ...............1451-1460 |Content|
Shahla Mahdavi, Mohsen Kafi, Rouhangiz Naderi and Toktam Sadat Taghavi − Vertical mobile planting system consistent with the pattern of solar radiation and a study on effects of system on light exposure and growth of Gerbera cut flowers (Gerbera jamesonii cv. Antibes), in greenhouse culture. ...............1461-1468 |Content|
Singh, P.K., RAI, N., Singh, D.V. and Singh, A.P. − Incidence of Dolichos yellow mosaic virus (DYMV) and yield potential in Indian bean (Lablal purpureus) F1'S. ...............1469-1474 |Content|
Somnath Bhowmik, Badal Kumar Datta and Ajay Krishna Saha − Determination of mineral content and heavy metal content of some traditionally important aquatic plants of tripura, India using atomic absorption spectroscopy. ...............1475-1484 |Content|
Sureerat Yenchon and Sompong Te-chato − Effect of bacteria density, inoculation and co-cultivation period on Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of oil palm embryogenic callus. ...............1485-1496 |Content|
Thongchai Sainoi and Sayan Sdoodee − The impact of ethylene gas application on young-tapping rubber trees. ...............1497-1507 |Content|
Yupaporn Sirisom and Sompong Te-chato − The effect of peptone and silver nitrate on In vitro shoot formation in Hevea brasiliensis Muell Arg. ...............1509-1516 |Content|