Volume 8, Number
2, March 2012
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Table of contents
Review Articles
A.A. Ansari and S.A. Ismail − Role of Earthworms in Vermitechnology. .............. 403-415 |Content|
Agricultural Engineering
Atul R. Dange, S.K.Thakare, I. Bhaskarrao and Umarfarooq Momin − Design of tractor front mounted Pigeon pea stem cutter. ............... 417-433 |Content|
K. Kheiralipour, H. Ahmadi, A. Rajabipour, S. Rafiee and M. Javan-Nikkhah − Investigating on total emissivity of pistachio kernel using thermal imaging technique. ..............435-441 |Content|
Bhale Vilas M., Tupe Arvind R., Karmore Jayashri V. and Kale Manoj A. − Crop planning in relation to climate change in rain fed regions. ............... 443-452 |Content|
Yugi R. Ahadiyat, Ponendi Hidayat and Untung Susanto − Selection of upland rice genotypes on drought tolerance and p efficiency at laboratory and screen house levels. ............... 453-463 |Content|
Animal Science
S. Noroozy − Effect of different levels of sugar mud (SM) substituted with oyster shell on laying hen performances. ...............465-469 |Content|
U. Okah and E.B. Onwujiariri − Performance of finisher broiler chickens fed maggot meal as a replacement for fish meal. ...............471-477 |Content|
H. Tibugari, D. Mombeshora, R. Mandumbu, C. Karavina, C. Parwada − A comparison of the effectiveness of the aqueous extracts of garlic, castor beans and marigold in the biocontrol of root-knot nematode in tomato. ...............479-492 |Content|
Adesina, J.M., Afolabi, L.A. and Ofuya, T.I. − Evaluation of insecticidal properties of Momordica charantia in reducing oviposition and seed damaged by Callosobruchus maculatus (Fab.) walp. ...............493-499 |Content|
Pandian Kumar, Baskaran, S., Sundaravadivelan, C., Anburaj, J. and Kuberan, T. − Insect visitors of pumpkin, Cucurbita maxima Duch., in relation to temperature and relative humidity. ...............501-513 |Content|
Tesfaye Hailu Terefe, Thangavel Selvaraj, Leul Mengistu and Mulugeta Negery − Evaluation of some native entomopathogenic fungi against pink stem borer (Sesamia calamistis Hampson) (Lepidoptera:Noctuidae) in sugarcane. ...............515-536|Content|
Envrionmental Science
Kanthana Kaewsri, Siripen Traichaiyaporn- Monitoring on water quality and
algae diversity of Kwan Phayao, Phayao Province, Thailand. ...............537-550 |Content|
Muthukumararaja, T.M. and M.V. Sriramachandrasekharan − Effect of zinc on yield, zinc nutrition and zinc use efficiency of lowland rice. ...............551-561 |Content|
Plant Biotechnology
Arun Thakur, S.D.Upadhyaya, A. Upadhyay and Preeti Sagar Nayak − Responses of moisture stress on growth, yield and quality of Isabgol (Plantago ovata Forsk). ...............563-570 |Content|
D. Bele, M.K. Tripathi, G. Tiwari, B.S. Baghel and S. Tiwari − Microcloning of sandalwood (Santalum album Linn.) from cultured leaf discs. ...............571-583 |Content|
Komgrit Inpuay, Anchalee Arthipatjaporn and Sompong Te-chato − Assessment genetic instability of regenerated plantlets from long-term culture of oil palm through SSE formation by SSR marker. ...............585-595 |Content|
Komgrit Inpuay and Sompong Te-chato − Primary and secondary somatic embryos as tool for the propagation and artificial seed production of oil palm. ...............597-609 |Content|
M. Thirupathi Reddy, K. Haribabu, M. Ganesh, K. Chandrasekhar Reddy and H. Begum − Genetic divergence analysis of indigenous and exotic collections of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench). ...............611-623 |Content|
M. Vibhute, M.K. Tripathi, R. Tiwari, B.S. Baghel and S. Tiwari − Interspecific morphogenic ability differences in citrus. ...............625-638 |Content|
M. Thirupathi Reddy, Hari Babu, K., Ganesh, M., Chandrasekhar Reddy, K., Begum, H., Purushothama Reddy, B. and Narshimulu, G. − Genetic variability analysis for the selection of elite genotypes based on pod yield and quality from the germplasm of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench). ...............639-655 |Content|
Samodini S. Nevase, S.R. Gadge, A.K. Dubey and B.D. Kadu − Economics of biodiesel production from Jatropha oil. ...............657-662 |Content|
S.R. Manik, Ghulam M. Yatoo, Zahoor Ahmad and V.N. Nathar − Direct organogenesis of Mentha piperata L. from shoot tip, nodal and sucker explants. ...............663-669 |Content|
Thanawadee Promchan, Sakulrat Sanputawong and Sompong Te-chato − Effect of sizes of haustorium embryo on secondary somatic embryo formation and histological study in oil palm. ...............671-679 |Content|
Plant Pathology and Microbial Biotechnology
Agrawal, P.K., Agrawal, S., Singh, U., Katiyar, N. and Verma, S.K. − Phenotypic characterization of rhizobia from legumes and its application as a bioinoculant. ...............681-692 |Content|
Dar, W.A., Bhat, J.A., Rashid, R., Rehman, S. and Bhat, Z.A. − Bioefficacy ofPseudomonas fluorescens in management of damping-off disease in papaya (Carica papaya L.). ...............693-697 |Content|
El Sayed H. Ziedan., Mostafa H Mostafa and Ibrahim S. Elewa − Effect of bacterial inocula on Fusarium oxysporum f sp sesami and their pathological potential on sesame. ...............699-709 |Content|
Nisakorn Suwan, Nuttapong Nuandee, Kazuya Akimitsu and Sarunya Nalumpang − Analysis of β-tubulin gene from carbendazim resistant isolates of Cercospora lactucae-sativae on Lettuce in Thailand. ...............711-723 |Content|
Nisakorn Suwan, Wassamon Boonying and Sarunya Nalumpang − Antifungal activity of soil actinomycetes to control chilli anthracnosecaused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. ...............725-737 |Content|
S.L. Soumya and Bindu R. Nair − Antifungal efficacy of Capsicum frutescens L. extracts against some prevalent fungal strains associated with groundnut storage. ...............739-750 |Content|
Y. Suryadi,, M.A. Suhendar, A. Akhdiya, I. Manzila and Wawan − Evaluation of soybean germplasm for its resistance to several foliar pathogens in Indonesia. ...............751-763 |Content|
Post Harvest Technology
K.G.L.R. Jayathunge, R.A.N.S. Kapilarathne, B.M.K.S. Thilakarathne, M.D.Fernando, K.B. Palipane and P.H.P. Prasanna − Development of a methodology for production of dehydrated tomato powder and study the acceptability of the product. ...............765-773 |Content|