Volume 8, Number
1, January 2012
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Table of contents
Review Articles
Divya Singh, Archana Tiwari and Richa Gupta − Phytoremediation of lead from wastewater using aquatic plants. .............. 1-11 |Content|
Agricultural Engineering
Isaac Bamgboye and S.E. Adebayo − Seed moisture dependent on physical and mechanical properties of Jatropha curcas. ............... 13-26 |Content|
N. Alavi and R. Hojati − Modeling the soil cutting process in rotary tillers using finite element method. ..............27-37 |Content|
R. khodabakhshian and M. Shakeri − Investigation on some mechanical aspects of safflower seed to the design of processing equipment. ..............39-48|Content|
Agricultural Extension
Manoj Kale, Berit Balfors, Ulla Mörtberg, Prosun Bhattacharya and Sanjay Chakane − Damage to the agricultural yield due to birds, present repelling techniques and its impacts: an insight from the Indian perspective. ............... 49-62 |Content|
Ogunremi, J.B., Faturoti, E.O. and Oladele, O.I. − University aquaculture researchers’ demographic characteristics and linkage with fish farmers. ............... 63-69 |Content|
Animal Science
H.O. Obikaonu., I.C. Okoli., M.N. Opara, V.M.O. Okoro., I.P. Ogbuewu., E.B. Etuk and A.B.I. Udedibie − Haematological and serum biochemical indices of starter broilers fedleaf meal of neem (Azadirachta indica). ...............71-79 |Content|
Zanu, H.K., Antwiwaa, A. and Agyemang, C.T. − Factors influencing technology adoption among pig farmers in Ashanti region of Ghana. ...............81-92 |Content|
Binh P.T, HoaiTram Tr.T, Thương N.V, Thao P.V, ThamHa Tr.T. and Hoang Anh Tr.T. − Using invertase (Novozyme) in cocoa for improving bean quality and fermentation process in Vietnam. ...............93-102 |Content|
Wikanda Winyasuk, Gomi Shinya, Tomoko Shimokawa, Shojiro Hishiyama, Takaaki Satake and Shigeki Yoshida − Screening of enzyme system for specific degradation of hexenuronosyl-xylotriose. ...............103-116 |Content|
Adesina, J.M., Ofuya, T.I. and Afolabi, L.A. − Insecticidal activity of Secamone afzelii (Schult) K. schum powder in the control of Stiphilous zeamais (Mots) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). ...............117-124 |Content|
Melesse, T. and Singh, S.K. −Effect of climatic factors on pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris (Homoptera:Aphididae) population and its Management through planting dates and biopesticides in field pea (Pisum sativum L.). ...............125-132 |Content|
Das, P. and Kayang, H. − Root fungal associations in Gaultheria fragrantissima. ...............133-141 |Content|
Priya, C.L., Kumar, G., Karthik, L. and K.V. Bhaskara Rao − Phytochemical composition and in vitro antioxidant activity of Achyranthes aspera Linn (Amaranthaceae) leaf extracts. ...............143-156 |Content|
Radha Prasanna, Pranita Jaiswal, Jadhav Shrikrishna, D., Monica Joshi, Lata Nain, Anuj Rana and Shivay, Y.S. − Evaluating the potential of rhizo-cyanobacteria as inoculants for rice and wheat. ...............157-171 |Content|
Microbial Biotechnology
Babla Shingha Barua, Akira Suzuki, Hoang Nguyen-Duc Pham and Satoshi Inatomi − Adaptation of ammonia fungi to urea enrichment environment. ...............173-189 |Content|
Kamenek, L.K., Kamenek, D.V., Terpilowski, M.A. and Gouli, V.V. − Antifungal action of Bacillus thuringiensis delta-endotoxin against pathogenic fungi related to Phytophthora and Fusarium. ...............191-203 |Content|
M.A. Haniffa and K. Kavitha − Antibacterial activity of medicinal herbs against the fish pathogen Aeromonas hydrophil. ...............205-211 |Content|
Plant Biotechnology
A. Usman and M.A. Siddiqui − Effect of some fungal strains for the management of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) on eggplant (Solanum melongena). ...............213-218 |Content|
Mansoureh Bakooie, Ebrahim Pourjam and Mokhtar Jalali Javaran − Investigation on Iranian Pratylenchus vulnus populations by morphological and molecular marker (RAPD- PCR). ...............219-231 |Content|
M. Seema and N.S. Devaki − In vitro evaluation of Biological control agents against Rhizoctonia solani. ...............233-240 |Content|
Sibounnavong, P. − Screening of Emericella nidulans for biological control of Fusarium wilt tomato in Lao PDR. ...............241-260 |Content|
Plant Science
Grishma Shah., Sasidharan, N., Sudeshna Chakraborty., Ruchi Trivedi., Rallapalli Ravikiran and Deepti Davla − Genetic diversity and molecular analysis for fertility restorer genes in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) for wild abortive (WA) cytoplasm using microsatellite markers. ...............261-271 |Content|
Hiroyuki Konuma, Rosa Rolle and Somsak Boromthanarat − Color characteristics of sago starch as they relate to the growth environment of the sago palm (Metroxylon sagu Robb). ...............273-287 |Content|
Huyly Tann, Chaiwat Makhonpas, Aram Utthajadee and Kasem Soytong − Effect of good agricultural practice and organic methods on rice cultivation under the system of rice intensification in Cambodia. ...............289-303 |Content|
Kuldeep Yadav, Narender Singh and Sharuti Verma − Plant tissue culture: a biotechnological tool for solving the problem of propagation of multipurpose endangered medicinal plants in India. ...............305-318 |Content|
M. kazemi and Hanifeh Seyed Hajizadeh − An efficient protocol for genomic DNA extraction from Alcea rosea. ...............319-326 |Content|
M. Kazemi and Hanifeh Seyed Hajizadeh − Assessment of genetic diversity of mints Iranian wild “Mentha aquatic” populations using RAPD marker. ...............327-336 |Content|
Sainiya Samala and Sompong Te-chato − Ploidy induction through secondary somatic embryo (SSE) of oil palm by colchicine treatment. ..............337-352 |Content|
Shende, C.B., Undal, V.S. and Chaudhari, U.S. − In vitro propagation of Curculago orchioides from rhizome bud. ...............353-362 |Content|
Sibounnavong, P.S., Aram Utthajadee, Chaiwat Makhonpas and Kasem Soytong − Efficacy test for good agricultural practice, pesticide-free production and organic agriculture in tomato. ...............363-376 |Content|
Soil Science
Narender Singh and Nisha Kataria − Role of potassium fertilizer on nitrogen fixation in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under quantified water stress. ...............377-392 |Content|
Water Management
Muhammad Nazeer and Hussain Ali − Modeling the response of onion crop to deficit irrigation. ...............393-402 |Content|