Volume 7, Number
5, September 2011
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Table of contents
Review Articles
Pandya J.R., Sabalpara A.N., and Chawda S.K.–Trichoderma: A particular weapon for biological control of phytopathogens. .............. 1187-1191 |Content|
Agricultural Engineering
Adegun, I. K., Ajimotokan, H.A. Akinlosoye, A. A. and Babarinde M.S.− Development of a cassava processing plant for producing improved stone-free Gari. ............... 1193-1198 |Content|
D.M. Kadam, Atul R. Dange and V.P. Khambalkar. − Performance of solar power fencing system for agriculture. ..............1199-1209 |Content|
M.A. Ghazavi, B.Hosseinzadeh, A.Lotfalian. − Effect of four primary tillage machines on some of qualitative properties of potato tubers. ..............1211-1222|Content|
Mahmoud Soltani, and Reza Alimardani. − Prediction of corn and lentil moisture content using dielectric properties. ..............1223-1232|Content|
Animal Science
A.A. Saki, B. Azadinia, H.A. Khosravinia, A. Rashidian, H.R. Hemati Matin. − Effects of pre-slaughter feed withdrawal and sex on crop, carcass characteristics and some blood parameters in broiler chicken. ............... 1233-1245 |Content|
Hattem, H.E.A., Elham H. Abouel-Einin and N.M.Mehanna. − Utilization of milk permeate in the manufacture of sport drink. ............... 1247-1254 |Content|
Okah, U., and Ibeawuchi, J. A. − Growth performance and haematological characteristics of west african dwarf (wad) sheep fed graded levels of dietary pigeon pea seed meal. ............... 1255-1263 |Content|
Panday, G., Bhatt, P., Kanaujia, S., Kanaujia, K.R., Jyothi K.N., and Prasuna, A.L. − Studies on electrophysiology, olfactometric response and chemical analysis of groundnut extracts against groundnut bruchid (Caryedon serratus). ............... 1265-1273 |Content|
Pushpa V Pawar, Mary Joseph , Avalokiteswar Sen and Swati P. Joshi − Growth regulatory and toxic effects of non-edible oil seed extracts and purified extracts against Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner). ............... 1275-1282 |Content|
Fishery Science
Suksomnit, Au-aree., Saengphan, Nukul., and Abella Tereso A. − A comparative study of hybrid catfish fry in concrete tank fed with fairy shrimp, Moina macrocopa, Artemia salina and commercial Feed. ...............1283-1289 |Content|
Food Science and Technology
Salma H. Ahmed, Isam A. Mohamed Ahmed, Mohamed M. Eltayeb, Suha O. Ahmed, Elfadil E. Babiker. − Functional properties of selected legumes flour as influenced by pH. ...............1291-1302|Content|.
Agrawal Pavan Kumar., Chaudhary Devendra kumar, Prakash Anil, and Johri B.N. − Bacterial diversity in a bagasse-based compost prepared for the cultivation of edible mushrooms Agaricus bisporus. ...............1303-1311 |Content|
Chethan Kumar K. V, Sukesh and Chandrashekar K.R. − Inoculation effect of different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth of Sida cordifolia L. ...............1313-1320|Content|
M. Seema, S.S. Sreenivas, N.D. Rekha and N.S. Devaki − In vitro studies of some plant extracts against Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn infecting FCV tobacco in Karnataka Light Soil, Karnataka, India. ...............1321-1329 |Content|
Vimal Ramani and H.H. Patel. − Phosphate solubilization by Bacillus sphaericus and Pseudomonas cepacia in presence of pesticides. ...............1331-1337 |Content|
Plant Biotechnology
Anandan, R., Thirugnanakumar, S., Sudhakar, D and P. Balasubramanian − In vitro organogenesis and plantlet regeneration of Carica papaya L. ...............1339-1348|Content|
Kanjana Saetiew, Vasan Sang-in and Sumay Arunyanart. − The effects of BA and NAA on Multiplication of Butterwort (Pinguicula gigantea) in vitro. ...............1349-1354 |Content|
Kuldeep Yadav, Devi Lal and Narender Singh − Influence of explanting season on in vitro multiolication of Celastrus paniculatus Willd. – An endangered medicinal herb. ...............1355-1361 |Content|
Ravinder Singh. − Evaluation of some plant products for their oviposition deterrent properties against the Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) on Chik pea seeds. ...............1363-1367 |Content|
Plant Pathology
Chethana B.S, Girija Ganeshan and B.Manjunath. − Screening of genotypes and effect of fungicides against purple blotch of onion. ...............1369-1374 |Content|
Muzafer A. Beig, Gh. Hassan Dar Nisar A. Khan and Nadeem A. Ganai. − Seasonal production of epigeal fungal sporocarps in mixed and pure fir (Abies pindrow) stands in Kashmir forests. ...............1375-1387 |Content|
Yaheia Omer Fatouh, Farid Abd-El-Kareem, Faten, M. Abd-El- Latif and Riad S. El- Mohammedy − Effects of citrus essential oil compounds on management leaf spot diseases on sugar beet under field conditions. ...............1389-1396 |Content|
Plant Science
Baiyeri, K.P., Ugese, F.D., and Uchendu, T.O. − The effects of previous fertilizer treatments on passion fruit seed quality, and seedling emergence and growth qualities in soilless media. ...............1397-1407 |Content|
M. Ayub, M. Khalid, M. Tariq, M.A. Nadeem and M. Naeem. − Effect of different seeding densities and nitrogen levels on growth, forage yield and quality attributes of Cluster bean (Cyamoposis tetragonoloba Tuab.). ...............1409-1416 |Content|
M. kazemi, E.Hadavi and J.Hekmati. − Role of salicylic acid in decreases of membrane senescence in Cut Carnation Flowers. ...............1417-1425 |Content|
Sibounnavong, Phonesavard., Soytong, Kasem, Makhonpas, Chaiwat and Adthajadee, Aram − Evaluation of Chaetomium-Mycephyt to promote the growth of Kale. ...............1427-1433 |Content|
Tann, Huyly, Soytong, Kasem, Makhonpas, Chaiwat and Adthajadee, Aram − Comparison between organic, GAP and chemical methods for cultivation of rice varities in Cambodia. ...............1435-1441 |Content|
Sundaravadivelan, C, Isaiarasu, L., Manimuthu, M., Kumar, P., Kuberan, T. and Anburaj, J. − Impact analysis and confirmative study of physico-chemical, nutritional and biochemical parameters of vermiwash produced from different leaf litters by using two earthworm species. ...............1443-1457 |Content|