Volume 11, December 2015
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Table of contents
Session 1: Organic Agriculture, Biodiversity and Biotechnology
Cerilles A.W.E. - Gahung-Gahung Organic Cassava Farming System: A Climate Change Adaptive and Poverty-Alleviating Farming Strategy. .................1669-1675 |Content|
Setyowati N., MuktamarZ. and PuspitasariI. - Weed Based Organic Fertilizer to Reduce Application of Synthetic Fertilizer in Mustard (Brassica sinensis L.). ................1677-1683 |Content|
Grineva I.A., Maslak D.V., Feklistova I.N., Skakun T.L., Sadovskaya L.E. and Maximova N.P.- Biological Preparations Developed by Belarusian State University for Environmentally Friendly Farming. ................1685-1695 |Content|
Sanputawong S., Raknim T. and Benchsri S. - Influence of different type of Culture Media and activated charcoal on Callus Induction and ShootMultiplication of Cadaminelyrata. ................1697-1704 |Content|
Fahrurrozi, Z. M., Setyowati N.,Sudjatmiko S. andChozin M.- Evaluation of Tithonia-enriched Liquid Organic Fertilizer for Organic Carrot Production. ................1705-1712 |Content|
Phong N.H., Pongnak W., Soytong K., Quyet N.T., Thu D.V., Cuong N.X. and Van L.T.N.- Comparison among Chemical, GAP and Organic method for tea cultivation in Vietnam. ................1713-1730 |Content|
Kerdsriseam C. and Suwanmaneepong S. - Organic Agricultural Producer Strategies in Supply Chain of Sustainable Agriculture Network, Chachoengsao Province, Thailand. ................1731-1742 |Content|
Sangchan S. - Impact of Biofuel Production on Hydrology (A Case Study of KlongPhlo Watershed, Eastern Thailand). ................1743-1754 |Content|
Sukteeka S., Thanee N. , Punha S.,Jitpukdee S. and Sewakhonburi S. - Distribution of Millipedes in Family Harpagophoridae from different tropical forest types. ................1755-1766 |Content|
Jitpukdee S., Tantikamton K., Thanee N., and TantipanatipW. - Species diversity of benthic macrofauna in the intertidal zone of Krabi, Trang and Satun Coasts,Thailand. ................1767-1780 |Content|
Aroon S., Jacques G. Hill III, Artchawakom T., Pinmongkholgul S., Kupittayanant S. and Thanee N. - Ectoparasites associated with bats intropical forest of northeastern Thailand. ................1781-1792 |Content|
Nguyen T.H., Vo T.M.T., Nguyen T.H., Tran T.T.T., Le H. H.- Genetic Variability Analysis In Rice Mutant Lines From Gamma Rays Radiation Using Agromorphological And Ssr Markers. ................1793-1802 |Content|
Poeaim, S.,Chobarporn, N. and Eiamampai, K. - Assessment of genetic diversity and relationships among Charadriusleschenaultii and Charadriusmongolus using AFLP markers. ................1803-1812 |Content|
Le D.T., Nguyen V.D. and Nguyen T.T. - Study on chrysanthemums breeding by gamma (Co60) irradiation on callus of 4 exotic varieties. ................1813-1822 |Content|
Session 2 Plant Pest Management and Related Fields
Okigbo R.N., Opara P.U. and Anuagasi, C.L. - Efficacy of extracts of water yam (Dioscoreaalata) and aerial yam (Dioscoreabulbifera) peels in the control of white yam (Dioscorearotundata) rot. ................1823-1842 |Content|
Divina, C.C.- Herbs and Spices: Plants Protecting Plants. ................1843-1849 |Content|
Jacob, J.K. S., David, E. S., Undan, J.R. - Fungal inhibiting capacity of an ethnobotanical plant from Imugan, Nueva Vizcaya against FusariumOxysporum and FusariumMoniliforme. ................1851-1855 |Content|
Ellamar, J.B., Kim, H.K. and Reyes, R.G. - Bioconversion of Philippine Oil to Biologically Active Hydroxy Fatty Acid 7,10-dihydroxy-8(E)-octadecenoic acid (DOD) by Pseudomonas aeruginosa PR3. ................1857-1873 |Content|
Krumsri, R., Suwunnamek, U., Homhaul, W., Laosinwattana, C. and Poonpaiboonpipattana, T. - Allelopathic effects of Bidenspilosa var. radiata and its utilization to control weeds in rice. ................1875-1886 |Content|
Tipawan T. and Jarun T. - The Relationships between Thrips Populations and Climatic Factors, Mangosteen Development Stage in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, Thailand. ................1887-1896 |Content|
Phung M.H., Pongnak W., Soytong K. and Poeaim S. - Identifications of Phytophthora spp. causing citrus root rots in Thailand. ................1897-1910 |Content|
Preecha C. Wisutthiphaet W. and Seephueak P. - The Occurrence and the Approach to Control of Root and Foot Rot of Pummelo (Citrus maxima (Burm.)Merr.)var. Tabtimsiam in Nakhorn Si Thammarat Province. ................1911-1918 |Content|
Tongon R. and Soytong K. - Application of nano-particles from Chaetomium globosum to control leaf spot of rice. ................1919-1926 |Content|
Song J.J., Pongnak W. and Soytong K. - Biological activity of endophytic fungi from palm trees against chili anthracnose caused by Colletotrichumcapsici. ................1927-1940 |Content|
Soytong, M. and Poeaim, S. - Antifungal activity of Talaromycesmuroii against coffee anthracnose. ................1941-1948|Content|
Vannak S., SarayutP. and Soytong K.- Antifungal activities of endophytic fungi isolated from orchids against Colletotrichum sp. caused anthracnose in orchids. ................1949-1961 |Content|
Session 3 Agricultural Development and Related Fields
Morêkia J.C. and Kgakole B.- Commercial developmentof the ostrich industry in Botswana. ................1963-1972 |Content|
Vichairattanatragul P.,Thanee N. and Keeratiurai P.- Carbon massflow and greenhouse gases emission from livestock productions in Thailand: case study of NakhonRatchasima, Chon Buri and PrachinBuri provinces. ................1973-1986 |Content|
Domingo C.Y.J. and Paraguison-Alili R. - RT-LAMP Test Kit: A New Generation of Molecular Quick Test Kit for Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV). ................1987-2008 |Content|
Kaewploy N., Phonpakdee R., Siriwan N.,Poungsuk P. and Aquino M.U. - The Desires Of People To Fattening Mud Crab In The Mangrove Of La-ngu District, Satun Province. ................2009-2016 |Content|
MuktamarZ., HasibuanS.Y.K., SuryatiD. and SetyowatiN. - Column Study of Nitrate Downward Movement and Selected Soil Chemical Properties’ Change in Mine Spoiled Soil as Influenced by Local Based Liquid Organic Fertilizer. ................2017-2027 |Content|
Rongsan P., Poungsuk P., and Intorrathed S. - Factor Condition of Animal Science Farms in Institutes of Vocational in Agriculture of Northeastern Region, Thailand. ................2029-2041 |Content|
Wattana S., Poungsuk P.,Phonpakdee R. and Deeying S. - Needs for the Development of a School Agricultural Learning Center (SALC) Model of Students’ Guardians, PraibuengWittaya School, Praibueng District, Srisaket Province. ................2043-2051 |Content|
Fakkhong S. and Suwanmaneepong S. - Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Rice Production in Peri-Urban Area, Bangkok, Thailand. ................2053-2062 |Content|
Araya M., Poungsuk P., Siriwan N.and Intorrathed S.-The Model Development of Agricultural Education Management of BuriramRajabhat University: A Case study of the opinion on Informal Education. ................2063-2070 |Content|
Preeyanan S., Pakkapong P., andDuanrung B.- Community Participation in Agro-tourism Development at Klongplu,Khaokitchakood, Chanthaburi Province. ................2071-2080 |Content|
Udomsup A. and Tangsupvattana A. -Hotel Businesses and Their Connection to Local Governments: A Comparative Case Study between Chao Samran Beach and Cha-am Beach. ................2081-2085 |Content|
Tawit R. and Poungsuk P . -Needs for Developing Sustainable Agricultural Learning Sources in Wangkwang Community, Nam Nao District, Phetchabun Province. ................2087-2098 |Content|
Dolojan F.M. -Standardization And Commercialization Of Chevon Products. ................2099-2109 |Content|
Session 4 Crop Production and General Agriculture
Danesh Y.R. -Truffles: What we know and what should we know?. ................2111-2117 |Content|
Sondee U., Preecha S., Junnim P., Ranglek C. and Prasong P.-Accounting Development for Sustainable Production of Indigenous Rice in Southern Part of Thailand. ................2119-2126 |Content|
Wiangsamut B., Umnat P. and Koolpluksee M. -Growth, yield components, agronomic traits, kernel yield, cost and benefit of the NK48 corn genotype grown in tillage and no-tillage soils with different rice residue management practices. ................2127-2147 |Content|
Hoang M.T., Nguyen H.H., Nguyen T.T., Nguyen V.T. and Luu N.Q.- Study on the effect of some of N, P, K Fertilizer Compounds on the Yield and Quality of Bp53 Rice Variety. ................2149-2156 |Content|
Nguyen H.L. and Phong H.M. -Study on Interplating Density of Taros (Colocasiaesculenta (L.) Schott) in Acacia (Acacia mangiumWilld) Plantation under the Agroforestry Model in Bac Kan Province. ................2157-2165 |Content|
Poonpaiboonpipattana, T., Suwunnamek, U. and Laosinwattana, C. - Screening on allelopathic potential of 12 leguminous plants on germination and growth of barnyardgrass. ................2167-2175 |Content|
Preecha C., Wisutthiphaet W., Seephueak P. and Thongliumnak S. -Development of Spawn Culture Material from Reused Spawn for Cultivation Split Gill Mushroom (Schizophyllum commune). ................2177-2181 |Content|
Thuong H.Q., Ngan H.T.H., Xuan H.T.H. and Viet D.T. -Additional Findings Nutrition or Growth RegulatorThrough The Root and Foliar for Hac Tri Persimmon in PhuTho, Vietnam. ................2183-2193 |Content|
Nguyen V.T., Nguyen T.M.P, Phung L.Q. and Nguyen H.H. -Result of Breeding and Selecting High Amino Acid and Reduced Sugar Content-Tea Varieties for High Quality Green Tea Processing in Vietnam. ................2195-2204 |Content|
Ha T.T.D. and Nguyen V.T. -To study the effect of microbial products on yield and quality of tea and soil properties. ................2205-2210 |Content|
Nakorn S.N., Chalumpak C., and Sangwiroonton K.-Effect of crop load on fruit development and fruit quality of pummelo var. Tabtimsiam. ................2211-2217 |Content|
Charoensuk K., Vipatjarernlap T. and Anartngam P.-Investigation of rambutan sugar granule production process and its sensory quality. ................2219-2226 |Content|
Mongkontanawat, N.and Wongekalak, L.-Effect of Blanching on Β-glucanContent of Native Mushrooms in Thailand. ................2227-2237 |Content|
Nguyen V.T., Nguyen T.T.H. and Trinh T.K.M. -Evaluating characteristics related to drought tolerance in tea genetic resources as the basis to select new tea clone with drought resistance. ................2239-2248 |Content|
Changsawake K., Krusong W., Laosinwattana. and Teerarak M. - Use of ambient upland rice fermented vinegar vapor to extend shelf life of sweet basil (Ocimumbasilicum Linn.). ................2249-2256 |Content|
Vareeket R. and Soytong K. -Evaluation of photosynthesizing bacteria for the growth of rice var. RD41. ................2257-2261 |Content|
Luu M.C., Phung T.Q., Luu T.N.H. and Le H.H. -Breeding for the Salinity Tolerance Rice Variety in Vietnam. ................2263-2272 |Content|
Session 5 Animal and Fishers Sciences
Jamsawat V., Felomino V. Mamuad and Emma V. Venturina -Effects of PGF2α and GnRH on Reproductive Performance of Cattle and Buffaloes in Thailand and Philippines. ................2273-2281 |Content|
Edeneil Jerome P. Valete, Excel Rio S. Maylem, Marlon B. Ocampo, Evaristo A. Abella and Lerma C. Ocampo -Post MortemViability of Epididymal Sperm from Philippine Native Water Buffalo (Bubalusbubalis). ................2283-2294 |Content|
Injana, Wuttikorn, SarawutIntrarathet,RatchadakornPhonpakdee, and PakkapongPoungsuk - Knowledge Management Adoption of Animal Husbandry onBroiler Farms in Western Thailand.. ................2295-2300 |Content|
Nguyen T.N. and Nguyen T.Q. -Practical Application of Medical Plant Powders as an Alternative of Antibiotic Growth Promoter in Pig Feed. ................2301-2307 |Content|
Ocampo, M.B. and Ocampo, L.C. -Strategies to Improve theDevelopmental Competence of Water Buffalo OocytesIn Vitro.. ................2309-2323 |Content|
Suteky T. and Dwatmadji- Ethnoveterinary technology for parasite dewormer to support goat-oil palm integration in Bengkulu Indonesia. ................2325-2331 |Content|
Vichiratanatrakul P., Thanee N., Paiboon N., Tantipanatip W. and Thanee T.-Carbon emission from energy use in Thai native chicken production in NakhonRatchasima province, Thailand. ................2333-2341 |Content|
Ocampo M.B. and Ocampo L.C. -A Protocol for the In Vitro Production of Bubaline Embryos: The Philippine Experience. ................2343-2357 |Content|
Phan T.Y. and Cao V. -Effects of stocking density, feed and hormones on Artificial reproduction of Tire track eel (Mastacembelusarmatus). ................2359-2368 |Content|
Netnapa Pongpetch and NitiAmchuen -Assessment of Heavy Metals in Fish and Water in Cage Fish Culture at Loei River, Loei Province. ................2369-2375 |Content|
Leah S. Guzman - Non-Experimental Validation of the Effectiveness of Ethno-Veterinary Botanical Medicine (EVB-M) Materials Used in the Municipality of EchagueIsabela. ................2377-2389 |Content|
Prempramote J., Meepoka C., Samakraman S. and Ganmanee M. -Determination of 1-Hydroxyrene and 2-Napthol in intertidal rocky shore macrobenthos following oil spill at AoPrao, Samed Island. ................2391-2399 |Content|
Tawatao K.M., Manaois II F.V., Ocampo L.C. and Ocampo M.B. -Folic acid supplementation for bovine oocyte maturation and fertilization in vitro. ................2401-2409 |Content|
Malaitad, T., Poeaim, S. and Eiamampai, K. -Sex identification in barn swallows (Hirundorustica Linnaeus) by molecular technique. ................2411-2418 |Content|
Dwatmadji, T. Suteky, and E. Soetrisno -Evaluating rotational grazing technology for integrated Bali cattle-oil palm system on herbage production to support sustainable meat production in Bengkulu Province, Indonesia. Journal of Agricultural Technology. ................2419-2424 |Content|
Poster Session
Tran T.T.H., Nguyen V.M. and Cao P.B.- Amino acid composition and nutritional value of seed proteins in some sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) cultivars grown in Vietnam. ................2425-2432 |Content|
Vo,T. M.T., Nguyen, T. H., Phan, Q. M., Nguyen, T. H., Le ,H. H. - Applications of gamma rays irradiation and marker assisted selection for improving of bacterial leaf blight resistant rice variety, BT62.1. ................2441-2449 |Content|
Thongjua, T., Thongjua,J., Sriwareen,J. and Khumpairun, J . - Attraction Effect of Thrips (Thysanoptera :Thripidae) to Sticky Trap Color on Orchid Greenhouse Condition. ................2451-2455 |Content|
Phadungpran P., Pongnak W. and Soytong K. -Biological Activity of metabolites from Lepiotaprocera against plant pathogen (Colletotrichumcapsici). ................2457-2461 |Content|
Phadungpran P., Pongnak W. and Soytong K. -Biological Activity of metabolites from Lepiotaprocera against plant pathogen (Colletotrichumcapsici). ................2457-2461 |Content|
Name, J., Bumroongsooka, S., Tigvattananontand, S.- The Red Stainer Bug, Dysdercuscingulatus (F.). ................2463-2468 |Content|
Pham, T.L., Ngo, T.L., Cao, V., Nguyen, T. K. T., Nguyen, Đ. T.- Building the models of Intergrated Pest Management (IPM) for Cinnamomum cassia in Van Yen district, Yen Bai province. ................2469-2480 |Content|
Poeaim A., Poeaim S., Pongtongkam P. and Arananant J. -Callus Induction and Cell Suspension Cultures of Rhizome Peanut (Arachisglabrata) Cultivars: Arbrook. ................2481-2488 |Content|
Sumeldan, J.D., Ocampo, L.C. ,Atabay, E.P. , Celestino, E.F. , Lazaro,J.V. , Ocampo, M.B.- Comparison on the efficiency of estrus synchronization methods for artificial insemination in goats. ................2489-2497 |Content|
Preecha, S.,Choovong ,P., Anunon, P.,Hnoosong, M., Roonglavan, J.,Thongrakjan, W., Suvansee,W.,Preecha, C. - Cost and Return of Straw Mushroom Cultivation Comparison Between Rice Straw and Oil Palm Bunch. ................2499-2504 |Content|
Kliangklao, N., Tigvattananont, S., Bumroongsook, S.- Distribution and Life History of Hawk Moths on Noni Plants in Thailand. ................2505-2513 |Content|
Thongjua, J. andThongjua, T.- Faculty of Agriculture,RajamangalaUniversity of Technology Srivijaya,NakhonSiThammarat 80110, Thailand. ................2515-2522 |Content|
Somporn , N. N. andChalumpak , C.- Effect of manure and chemical fertilizer on vegetative growth of off-season durian production. ................2523-2529 |Content|
Lemuel M. A., Fely V. II, Lerma C. O. and Marlon B. O. -Evaluation of bioassay using in vitro matured water buffalo oocytes in predicting bull sperm fertility. ................2531-2538 |Content|
Ambe R.M., Viernes V.D., CelestinoJr E.F., Ocampo L.C. and Ocampo M.B. -Evaluation of sequential changes on 1st meiotic division of goat oocytes in vitro. ................2539-2546 |Content|
Cao P.B. and Tran T.T.H.- InSilico identification, classification and expression analysis of genes encoding putative light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding proteins in coffee (Coffeacanephora L.). ................2547-2561 |Content|
N.T.Quyen , N.T.K. Lan, C. Van, N.T. Nang-A Study on Prevalence of Intestinal Nematodes in Dogs in Phutho Province. ................2563-2576 |Content|
Lan N.T.K., Quyen N.T., Van C. and Nang N.T.-Study on Toxocaracanis in Experimentaly Infected Dogs by Toxocaracanis. ................2577-2588 |Content|
Meekhunthod M., Bumroongsookand S.andTigvattananont S. -The Biological Control Agent of Water Primrose:Theretrasilhetensis (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae). ................2589-2596 |Content|
Kamlangkla N.,Bumroongsook S. and Tigvattananont S.-Thyascoronata (F.): a fruit piercing moth. ................2597-2606 |Content|